Current Legislation Summaries

Executive Order Summary

  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 2023-003: Freezes issuance of new regulations and requires review of existing regulations by all boards etc.
  • EXECUTIVE ORDER 2023-004: Directs boards to suspend regulations, show cause for licensing requirements, and provide reciprocity recommendations.

Important Notes to AB/SB Readers

  • In the bill text: Read the “Explanation” at the top of the bill under the “Fiscal Note” section (or “Key” at the top of any document).
    • Proposed changes are in blue italics.
    • These changes will replace the items in [red brackets].
    • *Other changes will be noted within the key

SB106 Summary (Amended)  (Link to SB106):

These are changes to the current operating standard (NRS Chapter 637) of the NVBDO

The Proposed Amendment to SB106 deletes all previous changes, and in one blanket statement attempts to exempt them from following current dispensing laws in the following circumstances:

  • “The sale of prescription eyewear to an intended wearer located outside this State or any design, manufacturing, or other activity in conjunction with such a sale.”
    • “Intended wearer” is not defined and can be easily manipulated to serve their purpose, interchangeably.
    • “Or any other activity in conjunction with such a sale”
      • Far too vague and far-reaching.

AB415 Summary (Amended)  (Link to AB415):

AB415 is a clean-up bill. Our current laws have a lot of outdated words and too much redundancy. This simplified our language makes the law easier to understand and less likely to be open to interpretation. This bill also helps with increasing reciprocity which is a goal during this legislative session. 

  • This will protect our licensure
  • Instead of 3,000 hours for apprenticeship, only 2,000 hours.
  • Making sure a licensed optician is the ophthalmic manager of an optical shop
  • It is NOT raising our prices for licensure up; it shows the maximum amount that the board can charge.
  • Requires Licensed Opticians to be on premises for all ophthalmic dispensing to take place. If there is not one, then the business has to put a sign out stating that a Licensed Optician is out and cannot conduct business until the Licensed optician has returned.
  • To make sure that Opticians from licensed and unlicensed states can come if they meet or exceed our standards for licensure.